The best part about living on a boy scout camp is the easy access to hiking trails and being surrounded by natures many forms. If you stay on the main trails you can get about a 2 mile hike in. In truth that path is quite vanilla and the most adventurous thing that may happen is a spider web to the face. If you decide to explore the brush and different parts of the creek bed then you can get roughly 5-8miles and you start to see the action. The camp is very old, originally built during the 50s sometime. There are old stone building foundations, well(yes like drinking well) components, old berms from rifle rangers, unused climbing structures(tower and ropes course), the old pool(filled with dirt now) and the foundation for what I think is the original dining hall. Every hike through camp is like a walk through history. A walk shared with the locals, which include black bears, coyotes, foxes, ground hogs, wild turkeys, hawks, deer and so much more. Matt, Phineas and I are truly blessed to be able to call Camp Bucoco home!