Like many other 20 (almost 30) somethings I struggled with answering the following question:
What do I want to do with the rest of my life?
That questions is so loaded. Loaded with pressure, high expectations and responsibility to choose wisely. And it's scary; right?! Not being able to answer that questions gave me anxiety. Which led to depression, feeling worthless and suicidal. A series of very intense feelings that no now should be expected to understand or work through alone. By seeking third party counsel I was able to re-direct my focus. Starting with increasing how many days a week I exercised(from 1 to 4).
It wasn't until I decided that I was approaching the question(What do I want to do with the rest of my life?) wrong. I decided to truly listen to my support staff around me (my husband, best friend, mom, brothers etc.) The answer seemed to be right in from on me.
Being an artist full time and focusing on staying healthy mind, body & soul. (The ultimate dream job, I'm working toward accomplishing)
But How? Honestly I didn't really know where to start. I knew I needed to find a way to express my passions and still be able to support myself independently of my husbands income. Utilizing the website I'd already built was a no brainer. I also knew I couldn't be the only person looking to monetize a lifestyle website or make a living as an artist. I found many 'mentors' on the subject. That have created online classes and tutorials on just how they did it. All of them had a common denominator. Each used 1(yep just 1) main social media platform to drive business to their respective websites and businesses.
Many of them have success stories from others who paid and APPLIED the techniques in the courses. So they know the formula for 'success' isn't total bologna. Yet there are so many programs, online classes, colleges/universities and social media experts how do you find the right one? Well, I narrowed it down to three options(these options may not be right for you, but they were for me). Check them out below:
Marie Forleo
Clearly at the top so you think would be the top choice(guess again). She’s worked extremely hard, created an amazing brand and knows her audience and product well. Forleo’s master class would’ve been the ideal choice if not for how much it cost. I’m sure the class is totally worth it but with how much it is I could go To grad-school.
Hilary Rushford
Took Marie Forleo's masterclass applied the techniques and runs her own company. Again, worked hard, created her brand and knows her audience and product well. Albeit, Rushford‘s master class is more affordable I wasn’t sure if that level of commitment was for me or if being a business owner was something that I really wanted for myself.
Emerson College Digital Marketing & Data Analytics MFA program
An amazing opportunity learning from the top marketers in the field with the possibility of financial aid, scholarship and grant support. Even though grad school would be a commitment, it would allow for more than one professor. It would open up a multitude of mentor options and help with job placement if being a business owner just wasn't the right fit for me.
So I'm guessing you may know which path I choose. I'm excited to say that I have been accepted into the Emerson College Digital Marketing & Data Analytics graduate degree program. I haven't been this nervous/excited since Matt & I said 'I do' 4 years ago. Here's to another adventure(this time in academic achievement), I hope you stay on the ride so you know how it goes!
And as a bonus I've also added in a fun and thought provoking entrepreneurial quiz by Marie Forleo you never know, being a business owner might be for you ;)